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The fastest Chapel endpoints

Reliable access to blockchain data in seconds, at blazing fast speeds.

Our Chapel Data Services

Get your indexes running faster and more reliably than ever before at a fraction of the cost.

The infrastructure we've been running across multiple independent data centers since 2018 is purpose-built for indexers & trusted by The Graph.

Firehose & Substreams are the latest technologies in blockchain data, don't be left behind. Get your indexes running on the stack of the future.

  • Substreams


    Substreams enables developers to write Rust modules, composing data streams alongside the community, and provides extremely high-performance indexing by virtue of parallelization, in a streaming-first fashion.

  • Firehose


    Provides previously unseen capabilities and speeds for indexing blockchain data using a files-based and streaming-first approach.

  • RPC


    Our RPC nodes have full archive data with complete historical depth, enabling RPC queries at any point in the blockchain history in addition to the current chain state.

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