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DatasetBlockchain Data on Demand


Unlock the full potential of blockchain data with Pinax's datasets.


Blockchain datasets offer a simple way to access and utilize blockchain data, supporting a wide range of applications from development to data analysis and verification.


Pinax stores datasets in formats like JSONL, CSV, and Parquet, and data consumers can easily access datasets through an S3 bucket.


Access and process these datasets using AWS SDK, HTTP, and data manipulation libraries like pandas for Python, along with ClickHouse and large-scale analytics tools like Google BigData.

Why Pinax

Pinax provides high-quality blockchain datasets, adding supported chains regularly. We offer full raw data, including blocks, transactions, logs, and traces.
We make datasets accessible in easily downloadable S3 buckets, in a format that's easily queryable in the database of your choice like ClickHouse, DuckDB, or Postgres.

Who uses datasets

Data Analysts

Data analysts like Messari use indexed and structured datasets to compare ecosystems and generate insights.
By using Pinax's high-quality datasets, Messari can offload its blockchain node operations to the experts, reducing overhead and allowing the data analysts to focus on analysis.


Developers can use datasets of detailed logs and traces to identify any vulnerabilities or performance bottlenecks.
Transaction data can also help developers identify UX enhancements and improve application features.


Indexers can use datasets to backfill their databases with chain info, as well as for data redundancy and anomaly detection.
By analyzing these datasets, indexers can also better understand usage patterns in order to allocate resources more efficiently for peak loads.

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